Clicks Unlimited Photography

The Opposite Attract Quotient

Bride & Groom:  Pritisha and Tarun

When Bride talks:

With an underdog twist, Tarun and my love story was one of those that proved “opposites attract”. I fell head over heels for him at first sight; little did I know he would play hard to get. Little by little each moment we shared drew us irrevocably closer until our whirlwind romance began! 

One thing led to another and we finally decided to get married. We were sure of doing everything together and not making our parents run around for our wedding. From shopping to having the last minute running around was done by us. We firmly believe in doing things not 50-50% but 100% together. 

Through it all, we’ve walked side-by-side — achieving our wildest dreams and pushing through the toughest times. We’ve witnessed life’s biggest highs, experienced its deepest lows, celebrated new beginnings while jobless in between – a testament that no matter what comes our way there is an unshakable bond connecting us forever.

What makes us a great couple is that one’s weakness is the other’s strength. We balance each other out, so it’s a win-win for us. Our differences make us grow both as individuals and as a couple. And that’s it 9 years later we began our happily ever after.

Pre Wedding


